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Endorsement Results – Time to Volunteer!

Endorsement Results – Time to Volunteer!

We had 24 people attend our candidate forum last week! It was a great forum where we heard from State Senator Pat Jehlen and her primary challenger Leland Chung. Thank you to everyone who attended and asked thoughtful questions of the candidates. Particular thanks to the two candidates for taking time out of their busy schedules to talk with us. Many thanks to Mathew Justin who video recorded the candidate statements and Kristy Avino for organizing the event!

We voted at the forum and we’re pleased to announce that Medford for MA is endorsing Pat Jehlen.

Save us a phone call and tell us now that you’ll volunteer for Pat Jehlen’s campaign!

Are your progressive friends getting our email?  They can drop a note to to be added to our email list!

Medford for MA is a progressive liberal organization. We are a chapter of Progressive Mass. 

Everyone who considers themselves progressive in Medford is encouraged to join, please invite your friends. 

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First Mayoral Debate

The first mayoral debate between Stephanie Muccini Burke and Bob Penta will be held at the Chevalier Theatre, 30 Forest Street, Medford, on Thursday, October 15 from 6-10pm.

Sponsored by the Medford Chamber of Commerce, the debate will be moderated by Fox25 News Investigative Reporter and Medford resident, Kerry Kavanaugh.

The event is free and open to the public. Doors open at 6:00pm and the debate begins at 7:00pm.

City Council Preliminary Election Results

Per Medford Patch (Frank O’Laughlin, Patch Staff)

Vote count for each candidate:

  1. John Falco: 2,042
  2. Breanna Lungo-Koehn: 2,031
  3. Michael Marks: 1,874
  4. Adam Knight: 1,835
  5. George Scarpelli: 1,669
  6. Fred Dello Russo: 1,644
  7. Rick Caraviello: 1,625
  8. Neil Osborne: 1,532
  9. Bill O’Keefe: 1,405
  10. Mark Crowley: 1,359
  11. Chris D’Aveta: 1,338
  12. Michael Ruggiero: 921
  13. Leonore Eforo: 515
  14. Neal McSweeney: 388
  15. Mario Martin: 387
  16. Brian Chamberlain: 346

Meet & Greets Scheduled!

2 Meets & Greets with City Council candidates scheduled! Consider sharing this information with friends and neighbors in Medford.

The organizing committee has scheduled 2 casual meet & greets for 3 of the more progressive challenging candidates: John Falco, Neil Osborne and Chris D’Aveta. The candidates have generously agreed to these joint events together.

Please save the dates:
Meet: John Falco, Neil Osborne and Chris D’Aveta
Friday, September 11th, 7-9PM
At Bob Fitzpatrick’s home in North Medford (20 Oak Rd.)

Meet: John Falco, Neil Osborne and Chris D’Aveta
Friday, October 2nd, 7-9PM
At Sharon Kennedy’s home in West Medford (address to come)

We will be announcing Meet & Greet’s for Mayoral candidate Stephanie Burke, but they have not yet been scheduled.

We are still working on putting together a questionnaire to send to candidates. I apologize that it is taking so long.  However, if you have questions that get at the progressive values of the candidates, please send them to for the questionnaire.

Medford for MA is the local chapter of Progressive Mass. In the past we supported the campaigns of Katherine Clark, Pat Jehlen, Carl Sciortino, and Christine Barber.

Progressive Mass works to move Massachusetts toward a future where the values of equal opportunity, social and economic justice, consumer and environmental protection, health care as a right, equal access to quality public services, respect for all residents and accountable and transparent government are given top priority.

To be added to our email list, send email to

She’s Never Heard of Carl Sciortino!

Listen to this –

I’ve been HubDialing this week and I’m amazed at the huge impact I’ve made in some short shifts. Every few calls, I’ll talk to a  voter in the district who has never heard of Carl Sciortino yet. 

But once I tell her about Carl, she says she’ll vote for him! It’s that simple!
Carl’s record is so good that voters just need to hear it to be convinced. And luckily, the campaign purchased a fancy robo-HubDialer that makes you TEN TIMES as effective. You talk to voters every minute of your shift. And you can even do the shift from your living room!

Plenty of voters already love Carl. But many in distant towns still need you to make the introduction. We have only 13 days! Sign up

-A. Gumby Breton

Medford for Massachusetts

p.s. An aside – check out this petition by Maria Daniels to the mayor, to fund more Arts & Culture in Medford.

p.p.s. More on HubDialer – through the power of numbers, when you sign in, you also make the OTHER volunteers more effective too! Doubling the volunteers makes each volunteer 20% more effective than the already-high HubDialing contact rate. Join in any night!